Sunday, November 24, 2013


There are many amazing blogs out there, who help many people with different aspects of their lives. My goal is that this blog, written by an LDS woman, married to husband with Aspergers Syndrome (Aspie or AS), will be a source of insight, hope, encouragement, and support to those of you who are experiencing the same things in our lives.

My purpose of putting "LDS" in the title is because there are some challenges my husband has that relate to our religious community. I sincerely hope it doesn't turn any readers away. Whether you're Christian or not; attend organized religious activities or not; I'm certain you'll still benefit from reading this blog--take what works for you and leave the rest. :) Those of you who are LDS, will hopefully benefit from some of our experiences in our very social, members-running-the-Church, "feelings" oriented religion.

Since my husband, who I'll call Blake, was diagnosed with AS last week, we have both felt more love for each other than we have in a very long time. A diagnosis like that might, to some people, be very devastating. However to us, it's turned out to be a blessing. Blake now understands why he's felt and acted certain ways throughout his life, and I now understand why he's felt and acted certain ways throughout our marriage. And, why I have felt and acted certain ways throughout our marriage. :) I now look forward to a long, happy, fulfilling, loving earth life with my husband and a wonderful eternity together. Whereas, before the AS diagnosis, I was trying to just make it through each day, dreading the next day and even the next hour.

I'm so grateful for the blessing of good psychiatrists who can help us understand what's going on inside our brains and give us counsel as to how to adjust. I'm even more grateful for the power of the Atonement and the hope the Gospel brings. Through the Atonement, we can receive help from our Savior; to accept and overcome our own weaknesses; to accept others' weaknesses and love, forgive, help and support them; to have faith and hope in the Plan of Salvation; to completely turn our lives over to Him to carry us through our challenges.

So--here we go on our learning adventure...

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